Lavanda y Lavandín

¿Que sería de nuestros jabones sin los aromas que los definen?
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Lavanda y Lavandín

Mensaje por Annablue » 21 Ago 2009 23:15

Alguien me podría explicar cual es la diferencia entre la lavanda y el lavandín.
He pasado unos días en la Provenza y en uno de sus pueblos se celebraba la fiesta de la lavanda,pues acababan de recolectar la cosecha en esos días.
Me he traido jabón,agua floral,saquitos...buf...y un botecito de aceite esencial de lavandín que es diferente a la lavanda pero,la verdad es que no sé en que se diferencian estos dos aceites.
Mi francés está ya muy anquilosado y creí entender algo así como que también se le llama falsa lavanda y que es de la misma familia,claro.
El aroma es como más fino y penetrante para mi gusto pero me gustaría que si alguien conoce más sobre el tema me lo explicase con certeza.
P.d:Recomiendo este viaje en los meses de julio y principios de agosto;os va a encantar ver esos campos de color azul liláceo a lo bestia y el aroma que flota en el aire ;)
Gracias y més petons....
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Re: Lavanda y Lavandín

Mensaje por Peña » 22 Ago 2009 00:50

Sobre o.essencial de lavanda:

Lavender (lavender angustifolia)
A perennial, bushy shrub with silvery, grey or green linear leaves and purple, violet or blue spiky flowers. This variety of Lavender come from Bulgaria which has become increasingly popular over the last few years for Lavender production as the climate and soil lends itself perfectly to the production of consistant and high quality lavender.
Clean fresh, floral top notes with herbaceous undertones... The most popular essential oil.
Oils to Blend with
Lavender can be blended with any essential oil successfully to enhance the scent of a blend or to enhance the therapeutic properties. Citrus, florals and herbs work especially well... Imagination is limitless with Lavender.
Latin Name
Lavendula angustifolia
Plant Family
Extraction Method
Steam distilled from the flowering tops, picked in morning dew and distilled directly to enhance the natural esther levels, quality and quantity.
Country of Origin

Some people with low blood pressure may feel a bit dull and drowsy after using the oil. Avoid during pregnancy.
Appearance: colourless to pale yellow
Odour: sweet, floral, herbaceous odour

Lavender (Lavender officinalis)
A perennial, bushy shrub with silvery, grey or green linear leaves and purple, violet or blue spiky flowers.
Clean fresh, floral top notes with herbaceous undertones... The most popular essential oil.
Oils to Blend with
Lavender can be blended with any essential oil successfully to enhance the scent of a blend or to enhance the therapeutic properties. Citrus, florals and herbs work especially well... Imagination is limitless with Lavender.
Latin Name
Lavendula angustifolia
Plant Family
Extraction Method
Steam distilled from the flowering tops.
Country of Origin

Some people with low blood pressure may feel a bit dull and drowsy after using the oil. Avoid during pregnancy.

Lavendula augustifolia, L. officinalis,(família, Lamiaceae [Labiatae]) em alguns sites essas variações tem as características idênticas e as combinações tb,entretanto em outros sites encontramos pequenas diferenças tanto nas combinações quanto na forma de utilização, sendo restrito o uso na gestação ( essas discordâncias são inconclusivas...até nos livros mais específicos)

sobre o.essencial de lavandin:

Lavandin (lavandula x intermedia ´super´)
A European hybrid of Lavender which produces many of the same properties of Lavender without the drowsy effects. A perennial, bushy shrub with silvery, grey or green linear leaves and purple, violet or blue spiky flowers.
Clean fresh, floral top notes with herbaceous undertones... The most popular essential oil.
Oils to Blend with
Lavender can be blended with any essential oil successfully to enhance the scent of a blend or to enhance the therapeutic properties. Citrus, florals and herbs work especially well... Imagination is limitless with Lavender.
Latin Name
Lavendula hybredia
Plant Family
Extraction Method
Steam distilled from the flowering tops, picked in morning dew and distilled directly to enhance the natural esther levels, quality and quantity.
Country of Origin

Not really suitable for condition needing a sedative action, unlike Lavender, Lavendin doesn't have the same sedative action.
origin: France

Quanto as diferenças entre o.e. de lavanda e o.e. de lavandin:
Lavandin e um híbrido da lavanda que parece ter uma concentração maior de canfôra fazendo parte ,para alguns, do grupo de o.e. com características revigorantes enquanto a lavanda (Lavandula Augustifolia) está no grupo de o.e. relaxantes.

combinações encontradas :

combinações do lavandin: bergamota,cravo,canela,citronela,cipreste,gerânio,lima,patchouli,rosmarinho e a maioria dos óleos essenciais cítricos.
precauções:não deve ser aplicado diretamente sobre a pele.

combinações da lavanda augustifolia:
bergamota,cravo,alecrim,eucalipto,patchouli,jasmim,sálvia sclarea.

combinações da lavanda officinalis:
bergamota,crevo,alecrim,eucalipto,patchouli,rosa,jasmim,sálvia sclarea.

fonte: Diversas.

[color=#4000FF][b]"Flor da Pele - artesanal e natural"[/color][/b]
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Sin nubes
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Registrado: 02 Feb 2009 16:59
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Re: Lavanda y Lavandín

Mensaje por Sin nubes » 22 Ago 2009 13:11

Annablue, la información que te ha puesto Peña es correcta, se utilizan para las mismas cosas y prácticamente tienen los mismo efectos, eso si muy importante tener en cuenta que mientras la lavanda produce un efecto relajante y sedante, el lavandín es un excitante (tener cuidado las personas con Tensión Alta).
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Mensajes: 105
Registrado: 19 Ene 2009 19:29
Ubicación: Barcelona,Spain

Re: Lavanda y Lavandín

Mensaje por Annablue » 24 Ago 2009 21:12

Me habeis ayudado mucho.Gracias.
No tenía ni idea de que siendo de la misma família y utilizándose practicamente para lo mismo tuviesen unos efectos tan dispares sobre el sistema nervioso o sanguíneo.
Petonets ;)

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